Friday, July 28, 2006

Ukraine- Rowing in the Ukraine

Since the day was sunny and hot, Tammy and the family decided to head to the river to go boating. What a fun day it turned into being! Moored to the dock were 3 depledated paddle boats. We decided to wait for 2 rowboats but, patience is not a virtue that seems not to be had in the Long family, so after waiting for a bit we opted for a rowboat and paddle boat.

If I thought the paddleboats were older looking, the rowboats were something from an era past. Now personally, I would prefer to row with a historic antique because you're guaranteed to have some story come from it. We decided to put two of us on the paddle boat and the rest of us, including baby Hannah!, piled into the rowboat. Vlad, in a valiant attempt to show us his manhood, rowed for us and Todd and the boys took turns at the paddle boat. Now theoretically this should have worked- if the paddles on the paddleboat were the correct length. Seeing as they were about 1-2 inches too short to turn water, no matter how hard Todd, Josiah, and Nathan peddled, the turtle on the nearby bank soon overtook them and joined us, way up the river.

We decided it would be best to tie the paddle boat to the rowboat and row that way. Hmmm, again, in theory this should have worked, should being the operative word. However, there's something about towing a 50 pound metal frame using sole arm power. Tammy and I attempted to take over rowing to help out, thinking two is better than one. The guys enjoyed the break, even if we were going in circles. We looked quite silly out there, rowing in cirlces with a paddle boat tied to us but it was great fun!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Plane from Kiev

I'm picking Sarah up form the airport today, nearly 5 weeks after she left for Eastern-Europe.
It's a happy day for me and the sun seemed a little brighter this morning. It's been a drag without my wife the last couple of weeks and as you can imagine, I'm estatic.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Animal House at Miami Metro Zoo

Today, while discernment slowly dawned on me at the Miami Metro Zoo, insanity was tossed in my direction, fast and humorous.
I don't know why I chose today to visit the Zoo, for as wet as Miami was yesterday, so hot and humid was it today. As I trudged between cages full of heat-induced semi-comatose, exotic animals, I asked myself that often.

I did see a 250 pound Galapagos tortoise mating with a smaller female. It was an eerie sight, like from a Alien-movie, and I was kinda expecting Sigourney Weaver to show up and break up the ol' guy's little party.
I also learned that flamingo's owe their beautiful pink color to the carotene found in their food. It seems that you really are what you eat!

In front of the chimpanzee's cage, an array of colorful - and mostly underdressed (yes, rumors later confirmed someone was in fact wearing a Speedo...) - zoo-goers were gathered, hoping the limp, sleeping chimps would provide some entertainment. Which of course they did not.
But those people sure did! Half-naked would be a better description, if you do not take the thirty tatoos and studs into account. Then there was the couple making out in the hippo's viewing cave, whom the bystanders were watching purely because the Cuban crocs next door were not moving at all.
I find it odd to have a Zoo in a sauna like Miami, especially for animals from arid regions. They were all passed out from the heat, lying in their waterpools, or drinking Budweiser.

Miami's sole Koala was definitely moving, trying to hide! Three moms were slapping on his cage's window for all they were worth, trying to get him to pose for pictures with six snot-nosed little brats pressing their grimy little hands on the clear glass. The same glass on which was posted a HUGE notice - "PLEASE do not knock on the glass."
Luckily for the marsupial from Down Under, their attention was drawn away by the screaming, yelling, middle-aged man racing three teenagers on their rented pedal-powered carts down the pathway towards the Asian display.
That's why I love Sundays in Miami so, for the peace and quiet.

The silver-back gorilla was grinning broadly at me as I passed his encampment on the way out...
Laughing at us.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dragonboat Antics

Our Miami Puff Dragonboat Team had a PJ party/team building session on Saturday night, in light of the upcoming nationals.

Both pics depict us engaging in activities meant to get individuals to function as a team. I'm not going to even try and explain WHAT we're actually doing! I AM going to hold onto these pics though, in case one of my teammates one day wants to stand for office...

There's no "I" in TEAM!

(Click on the pics to view larger.)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Early Morning Guests

Daar is niks soos 'n stewige bord slappap vroeg-oggend (06:00) om jou murg in jou pype te gee nie!

Two good friends - Art and his daughter Jozanne (they were my family the first two years in Taiwan) made an early morning breakfast call en route from Miami International. Sarah's a FruitPop-eater, so it was fun to have Maltabella with someone who enjoys it!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Oz 49 - SA 0

Saturday was a decidedly sad day. I drove a near 20 miles to watch our national rugby team being obliterated by Australia. 49-0. That's nearly a cricket score.
It'll be like the Michael Jordan-Dream Team of the early nineties losing to a sport's foe like Russia - national tragedy!

Wat 'n debakel.
30-0 halftyd. Gehoop iemand gat my wakker klap en sĂȘ ek moet opstaan, die game begin. Maar ek was wakker...
Ons wat saamgekyk het, het nugter en emosieloos (wel, amper) saamgestem dat dit die swakste wedstryd was wat ons ooit gekyk het. Buiten die losskakel is dit moeilik om jou vinger te sit op presies wat SO ERG verkeerd gegaan het. Re die losskakel - oor 'n jaar van nou af gaan niemand hopelik meer onthou wie hy was nie.
Pic (left): A picture that pretty much sums up what happened on Saturday.
Pic (right): Hulle was altyd 'n kortkoppie voor en ons net 'n bier of twee te stadig.
(Pictures from Rugby365 website.)

Friday, July 14, 2006

R&R In The Keys

I spend a relaxing weekend with good friends at a borrowed beach house in Key Largo (Mile marker 100).
It's great to get away from the familiar surroundings and two days is enough to recharge the batteries sufficiently.
The house is built a block from the ocean, next to a canal, with a landing dock for the owner's yacht. We saw the most beautiful tropical sealife in this canal. Pic: Check out the lobster! (Click on the picture.)

En toe gaan bederf ek my naweek deur die rugbytoets te loop kyk!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Religious Prosecution

Two mormons came to visit me soon after I got home the other night.
I find it to be quite true that people who tries to share their religious views with you, are rarely interested in you sharing your views with them....

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Far Far Away

I'm now really missing my pretty American! So I looked on Google Earth and found the little Ukrainian town of Nezhin where she is currently staying. It's two hours North-West of the capital Kiev.
I could zoom in much closer, but she likes her privacy...

This technology still amazes me.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Independance Day!

On Tuesday, the Fourth of July - otherwise known as Independance Day - a bunch of us went to the exclusive Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables for the annual fireworks/Miami Symphony Orchestra display. We had picnic on the Biltmore golf course and enojoyed the magnificent orchestra, which later accompanied an incredible 20 minute fireworks display.

Pic: (Above) Many of the older guard came dressed for the occasion.

Friends Curtis and Robin Cooper with the growing crowds behind them on the Biltmore golf course in Coral Gables.

Our friends and neighbors James and Jessica Fox. Thanx for the pic, Jess!

Monday, July 03, 2006

The South African Invasion

I was fortunate enough to receive three old friends of mine this weekend. They all flew in from the Grand Cayman Islands and I had a grrreat time hosting them - in Afrikaans! Hope they enjoyed it.
Juan and Lundi is soon departing back to the Republic, while we're already planning a surf 'n snorkel-trip to Marius on the islands.

Pic: (L to R) Lundi and Juan Koen and Marius and me enjoying Hops's cuisine. Cutler Ridge, Miami.