Monday, June 30, 2008

Visitor from Seattle - Ni Hao Ma?

Rob Willett from Taiwan-Morrison-fame graced us with a visit and we had a blast hosting him in Miami.

I took him to the Everglades National Park and that was really uneventful. Thus, we provided our own entertainment (pic)!

The usual reaction of the first time visitor to the Everglades is kind of a deflated: "Oh...". I agree, there ain't much to it and the mosquitoes fly in squadrons of 100 each. They always draw blood. They always get their man.

Not to be outdone in the cultural department by the rest of the country, I also took ol' Rob to Schnelby's Winery - the Southernmost winery in the country. Miami does have culture!
Here at Schnelby's they make wine from tropical fruit, and after a few years of imperfection they are finally making great tasting wines that I would actually consider buying.

On Saturday Sarah and I took our soon to be China-bound friend kayaking on the intercoastal, from Oleta State Park. In Seattle the water is icy and at first it was very funny watching Rob trying his darnest not to touch the 80 degree water. That is until he realised it is never colder than lukewarm down here in the tropics, and after that we couldn't keep him in his kayak!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Great Pretender

Robin and Curtis graciously allowed me to hold this handsome little fella. Sorry Dad, unfortunately not ours!

Ours first bbq after moving into the new place.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Moving Sucks!

We moved further East, to the older, prettier part of town, where there is less people living per square inch. Sarah is now less than 5 minutes from work, compared to her usual 3-45 minut drive and I am nearly halfway closer. Our driving time in leaving Miami over weekends - which is our favorite pastime by far! - is also less.

Our new place was a painted in ridiculous pinks and bright blues - typical Miami colors. So we did some painting before moving in.
Pic: Sarah and Simone were my paint heros on the day.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Greek Lesbians Sues Lesbians

Three inhabitants of the Greek island of Lesbos is suing the homosexual and lesbian community of Greece for using the word lesbian to refer to gay women! The argument is that used in it's commonly known sense, the word insults the almost 90,000 island dwellers living on Lesbos, and also known as lesbians.
Lesbos, with an area of about 630 sqaure miles (1630 km), is situated in the Northeastern Aegean Sea.It is the third largest of the Greek islands with a coastline of about 200 miles (320 km).
According to Dmitri Lambrou, one of the three mentioned inhabitants, the islanders have been known by the term for thousands of years, while the term has only been used to refer to gay women for the past few decades.
Lesbian, used in its homosexual sense and used in languages around the world, comes from the poet Sappho, who lived on Lesbos around the 6th century B.C. She wrote many passionate poems about women. However, the use of the word is ambigious in many languages, and can refer to the islanders or gay women.
Funny as this lawsuit is, I'm thinking that even if the Greek courts rule in favor of the islanders, how does one stop the use of a word used in common language around the world?