Friday was CAU's annual Staff Appreciation Day and they took all staff and faculty on a "Party Boat cruise around downtown Miami and Star Island.
I got to experience Latino party culture firsthand. The music and dancing started as soon as we boarded and people stopped only when we arrived back at 3!
I was exhausted and sorely missed having never attended friend Andre Jordaan's Salsa classes back in Cape Town. White men can't jump, and they can't dance with the same rhythm either.
The house on the last picture is one of many celebrity houses on the exclusive Star Island, just of the coast of Downtown Miami. It is reachable only by a small heavily guarded bridge and the inhabitants dish out millions for the privilege to have such an address.
The house on the picture belongs to Shaquille O'Neil. A quaint little 24 bedroom holiday home, with indoor basketball court and other neccesities.
His neighbours, amongst others, are Oprah, Emilio and Gloria Estefan and Sly Stallone. Sarah and I thought of getting a little place of our own on the island, but the groceries are to expensive and you have to go to Downtown for a Starbucks. ;-)