Monday, January 21, 2008

Another Lekker BBQ at the Volsteedts!

We recently had another superb South African braai (BBQ) in Fort Lauderdale, courtesy of the Volsteedts.

What a potjie!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


What can one say about the ESKOM - situation in South Africa?

ESKOM, the country's national electricity provider is stumbling from one regional power failure to the next, costing the nation millions in lost hours. A local newspaper cartoon - Madame & Eve - is getting it spot on with their daily jokes.


Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year's with the Ninnemans

Waking up to a glorious sunrise and a year bursting with promise - Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Fort Lauderdale. No new year's resolutions this time around, just a few goals.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Beautiful St. Augustine

Hiking Sugarmill Forest

Just before New Year's we hiked the 200+ year-old Sugarmill Forest and plantation ruins. It is interesting how much the vegetation changes from South-Florida to Flagler, Brevard County area only 100-150 miles North-East. It is beautiful.

Some of the first slaves in the South were brought here to work on what was then the largest Sugar plantation. It was destroyed by the Seminole Indians during the Second Seminole War of the 1830's. All the tribes in Florida united against the US forces and used guerrila tactics, retreating frequently deep into the Everglades, and making it near impossible for the chasing armies to catch them in the swamps and mangroves.

Eventually though, the whole Seminole nation nearly got wiped out in the war, with thousands killed. The few hundred survivors were deported to Oklahoma reservations. It (1835-1842) turned out to be the most expensive Indian war, costing the US $30 million.

Anyway - it was a great hike and if you visit we'll take you there...

New Year's - Back in Florida

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

This New Year

2 0 0 8 !

Have a Smashing New Year!

May you have a smashing 2008 with many exciting opportunities for growth, may you be able to learn many new things and skills, may you be able to add value in many different ways.

We are experiencing technical difficulties and will resume blogging as soon as we have ironed out some problems. Both Sarah and I have resumed working after 2, 3 weeks out of Miami, with friends, waking up late, and just having a great time in general vacationing in North-Florida.

We will propably change the look of our Blog soon, which we are excited about. Please watch this space -will keep you posted.

All the best
Marco and Sarah Bouwer