Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It's been a busy two months.
I apologize for those taking the effort to open our Blog regularly for the lack of entries lately. Between moving, finishing my studies, Sarah starting her studies, having different house guests for the whole month of July, and my new responsibilities at work, there's been little time to spare.

I will backlog until I catch up.
Missing everyone.

Enjoy the Olympics!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Steff's Visit

The end was not yet in sight for Sarah's wonderfully long Summer school holiday. Back from her trip to the Dominican Republic we had to privilege of hosting another old friend - Stephanie - for a week. Steph's parents went to South Africa many moons ago as missionaries and she grew up in Upington! She's fluent in Afrikaans and knows many good ol' SA recipies.
Great having you over Steph!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Melbourne Weekend

When Bruce Moore said - I know the best wing-joint in town we were sceptical. Wings are wings.

Turns out we should never have doubted Bruce. Frankie's wings & ...er Things happen to have the best wings and shrimp in Florida.
Ons het soos varke gevreet - die kos was hemels.

The other people in the picture: all good friends from Morrison Academy in Taichung, Taiwan.

Awesome weekend.

More pictures from our enjoyable weekend in Melbourne.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Me First American Wedding

The Johnson-wedding in Melbourne (on the weekend after the Fourth of July) was a Taiwan-reunion in itself! It was also what me and Sarah refer to as the start of our Busy Time. After Rob came to visit we had guests all the way through the two month-summer school holiday. Awesome - we love our guests!

I posted a few pics here of some of the events of an all too short, but very busy weekend. In hindsight certainly not enough time to sit down for some quality time with Dwight and Becky Johnson - our parents, friends, and advisors in Taiwan. But their son got married - what did we expect!!

Since we're all christians my first American wedding was unspectacular in the familiarity of the proceedings. Few new things here and there, some differences, but all in all the bride shined beautifully, the groom looked great and speeched well, and they dedicated their marriage to God in front of a bunch of witnesses, many from Taiwan. ;-)

Wonderful to see so many old familiar faces.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Treat Carefully - Turtles Nesting!

Wat is die kans!?!
Die oggend na die aand van die Fourth of July (Nag van die Lang Vuurwerke) gaan stap ons op die strand. Hierdie keer nie Blouberg se strand nie, wel Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Bestrooi van die vorige nag se vuurwerk-geweld, nagedagtenisse aan onwelvoeglike drankmisbruik, harde reen, hoogwater, en oseaan-gekotsde seegras oralsoor.
Tel 'n bierbottel op mits iemand dit dalk later raaktrap en sien toe die gedoente wat afspaander branders se kant toe.

Wraggies 'n seeskilpadjie!!!
Die kans is omtrent 1 in 100 000. Magic! Dit was onbeskryflik om dop te hou hoe een oorlewende seeskilpadjie (sy nes is omgewoel en raakgetrap deur vuurwerk-toeskouers die nag tevore)afsukkel water toe. Elke voetspoor in die los sand is soos 'n berg vir hom. Maar die outjie is haastig.
Dit was 'n fantastiese pasella vir 'n dag wat mooi uitgedraai het verder ook.

Fourth of July '08

This is my fourth Fourth of July spent in the US. I've loved it every time.
We were at the beach in Fort Lauderdale with our friends the Ninnemans, on a strategic spot between two municipality-sponsored firework displays - to the North and to the South. Planning can only go so far though and down came the rain as the shows started. Been there, done that, got my T-shirt wet!