Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Sony Erickson Open, Key Biscayne

A business colleague recently invited me to attend the Sony Erickson Open with him, held at Key Biscayne. Reading up on the event afterwards, it is apparently rated as the fifth largest tennis tournament after the four mayors. Quite a feat.

Sarah happen to be at the same event on a school trip and we had a laugh running into each other unexpectedly. Not so funny was when she had a chance to talk to Roger Federer and did not know who he was!!
I ran into Novak Djokovic behind one of the tennis courts and he gave me his business card - if I'm ever in Serbia again!
Who knew Johan
Kriek (former South African) has a tennis academy in Brandenton, Florida (See last pic). As ek reg onthou het hy 'n Australiese Ope of twee vroeg in die tagtigs gewen.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Time To Go

It's been a while now that I've realized I'm done at my current job - time to leave. It's time to leave when staying means you are not growing professionally. Jobs are available in my field, much better jobs, but I'm also fortunate enough to have been involved in a new business venture the past few months (Stylo Creative Communications). This is extremely exciting, and I have the most amazing partner, but it means I cannot leave. The focus on this fantastic new venture is what is saving my sanity.

My frustration levels rise as soon as I enter the office, an organization with so much promise, but little to show. Management is old and stoic and reminds me somewhat of leadership in Africa: own interest served first and second; favoritism; (too) slow to respond to opportunities; not in touch with advances in the field. This School would be the ultimate MBA case study of what NOT to do to grow/expand your business, empower your employees, and be competitive in the market place.

The more things change the more they stay the same - or as they say in Thailand: "Same same difference!"

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Kelly's Birthday Dinner

We had a bit of a get together last night in Downtown Hollywood. The ocassion: Kelly's birthday.

It was a special evening with good friends. This blogpost is also particularly special - it being the first one uploaded from my newly acquired iPhone!
More to come...