Sunday, October 23, 2005

Evacuating North

A storm warning for the whole of South Florida has finally been issued late last night, with mandatory evacuation of certain areas. The whole country is still shaken by what happened in New Orleans recently. Rather safe than sorry.

We're going to leave shortly - Sunday morning, 06h30 am, to miss the rush and the rain, should either one actually happen. Power outages have been predicted, as Wilma is expected to increase speed accross the Gulf before making landfall around the Keys. So we're taking all our frozen foods in cooler bags with us.
(When Katrina came past, we had power outages for 4 days, lost everything in our fridge/freezer and it was just miserable without air con in the hot, humid weather. By then it was also too late to leave, flooding everywhere and the roads filled with evacuees.)

We should be out of harms way in wat North, by lunchtime, having lunch with the parents.
Schools and businesses will be closed on Monday.

(Satellite image - Miami Herald)

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