Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Homestead Rodeo

Sarah went to a proper Rodeo the past weekend - the Homestead Rodeo. Yeeehaaa!

Apparently not exactly in the good ol' Texan tradition, but trying hard to live up to it. She had a good time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It's a Tough Life in the Carribean

Given, this isn't me. It's my friend and ol' Taichung-housemate Marius Acker surfing his heart out along the Grand Cayman's shoreline. The picture was taken this week, about 50 minutes flying time from our home!
It is such a great photograph that I thought well of posting it.

Kinda hard staying focused at work when you send pics like these, Mars!

One of Sarah's Strenghts

Sarah and I love strolling around the large lake here in the evenings. While enjoying the surroundings we often debate issues we face in our daily encounters. My wife has some exceptional debating abilities.

With this in mind, an article in the Washington Post caught my attention a while ago. A study was done which found that women have better verbal capabilities than men.
All I want to say to those researchers is: "Duh!"

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Friends, Romans...

Welcome to our Blog.

Instead of sending out newsletters, and in keeping with the times, we thought it'll be way more interesting to keep you, our friends and family, up to date in this way. We've included loads of pictures and links to our online photo albums, and we update the site frequently.

We hope it'll be an effective way to keep in contact and to let you know what we're up to on our side of the globe. We just know that after reading our Blog you'll be inspired to start writing to us!

You can write to us at - bouwerblog@gmail.com
We'd love to hear from you.

Marco and Sarah Bouwer

Monday, January 16, 2006

Friday, January 06, 2006

Xmas - The Aftermath

I have a few last comments on my first Xmas experience in the States.
Us Bouwers have copied the rest of Miami and had a beautiful Xmas tree in our apartment, compliments of good friends. But I tell you, it's a love-hate relationship with this tree.
You spend half a morning decorating the thing, it fulls your house with a wonderful frangrance, makes the house look warm and full - you actually grow attached to the tree. Ten days later it dies and you have to get rid of it.

All over Miami I see dead trees by the side of the road, like mob hits!
A car suddenly slows down, a door opens and a tree rolls out. No one says a word. Life goes on. People snap out of the Xmas season like from a dream. "There's a tree inside the house! Throw it out!"

Monday, January 02, 2006

Die Winde van Verandering

Die afgelope drie jaar al ontvang ek Business Report se daaglikse ekonomiese nuus-samevatting.
Ek het tot die slotsom gekom dat die gemiddelde Suid-Afrikaner vandag veel sterker is as vyftien jaar gelede.
Met die aanvang van die 1990's het dit 'n uitgegroeide man geverg om R100 se kruideniersware te dra. Vandag kan die gemiddelde 7-jarige kleuter dieselfde bedrag karwei.

2006 Starts off with a Bang!

We spend a relatively quiet New Year's Eve with our good friends the Fox's.
We decided against going to de beeeg celebrations and festivities happening at South Beach, the traffic congestion already starting in downtown Miami's CBD.

Some spectacular fireworks were to be seen all through the night around the big lake next to our apartment complex. We parked ourselves next to the water and contributed with some of our own.
Here's to an exciting 2006 and to courage and faith to take those risks.