Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Hotel Touring in Orlando!

We were full of energy for the sightseeing expedition ahead of us.

Unfortunately, not everybody shared our enthusiasm.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Playing Tourguides in South Beach

Old man and mannequin - Bayside Area, Downtown, Miami.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Saturday Night Live

Our homegroup held our Xmas party in a gorgeous hotel room with a magnificent view of Miami and South Beach last night.

This group has been meeting for the last two years and we've grown pretty close. It was pretty special to meet one last time in 2008, with lives getting busy, couple's getting pregnant, and just life in general happening to us all.

Friday, December 14, 2007

'n Taaie Tameletjie

Die einde is in sig. Dit voel soos die laaste 3 km van 'n halfmarathon wanneer elke spier in jou lyf begin saamkreun en kla dat dit tyd is om die skare te systap, erens op 'n gemaklike sofa te gaan neerplof met 'n koue bier, en bewegingloos daar te vertoef wyl jy re-runs van die afgelope S14 beskou.
Ek het 4 maande se intense, kraakvars, maagdelike M.B.A.-materiaal oor om kaf te draf voor ek kan ontspan. Dit raak nou lank.
Sedert die begin van die mnd. is dit Finansiele Bestuur en ai, dis so 'n interessante EN onontbeerlike veld. Ongelukkig het Jaap hier (die uwe) skrapse Finansiele agtergrond, en ek suffer. Klastyd is dit soos om molasses te eet - vir 4 uur lank!

Hou bene hou!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Food for Thought

Franklin Graham het gisteraand 'n skare mense in 'n buitelug-arena toegespreek by die kerk waar ons besoek.

Dit was 'n vlugtig gereelde, maar baie besonderse geleentheid. Duisende mense daag op om hulde te bring aan die Elisa van ons tyd. Ons is nuuskierig. Maar dis sy nederigheid wat my aanvanklike skeptisme teenoor hom laat waan en sy opregtheid wat my oorwen. "I cannot save you, only God can do that for you." 'n Simplistiese boodskap, hard en reguit, sonder fancy tierlantyntjies (so gewild in kerke deesdae om mense te "lok"), en honderde mense kom tot bekering. The real deal.
Hy is hoof uitvoerende beampte van Samaritan's Purse, 'n wêreld-organisasie wat grootskaalse hulpverleningswerk in noodgeteisterde werelddele doen, gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprojekte bestuur, globale mediese dienste verrig en evangelisasiewerk doen.

This is a touching picture (above) from the Samaritan's Purse website, isn't it? No successful proposal, business plan, awarded grant, fundraising event, or any other unimportant work-related accomplishment comes close to stirring the heart like this picture does.
A smile will mean a lot to these kids. Imagine how these kids will treasure a can of coke!? Here in superficial Miami our colleagues bicker because the annual staff Xmas party is too ordinary. They buy cake worth $1000 because it will impress the guests. Only a new X-Box or I-Phone will impress the kids.

Monday, December 10, 2007

This Life

Maybe twice in my life I reached what I wanted to. Once we were playing "These Foolish Things" and at the end the band stops and I play a little cadenza. That cadenza - no one can do it better. Let's say it's five bars. That's a very good thing to have done in a lifetime. An artist should be judged by his best, just as an athlete. Pick out my one or two best things and say, "That's what we did, all the rest was rehearsal."
- Artie Shaw, as told in the book The Call, by Guinness.

Such a fantastic quote, there is so much to it on so many different levels. I can read it over and over again.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Mysterious Bee Disease Threaten US Crops

A mysterious bee disease, called colony collapse disorder (CCD) is causing havoc among the busy little insect colonies in the US, since the first report in 2005. Seemingly healthy honey bees would abruptly disappear from their hives forever.

While visiting N-Carolina, Sarah and I one day happened upon an agricultural presentation being given on this new phenomenon. Not a big deal, I thought. Wrong. Apparently, it is having quite an impact.
Bees play an integral role in the world food supply, and are essential for the pollination of more than 90 million fruit and vegetable crops worldwide. In the US alone these products pollinated by bees are worth more than $14.6 billion per annum. Since 2005 CCD have caused a 50-90% loss of bees in 25% of all commercial colonies in the US.

The first reports of the disease correlates with the first time that the US started to allow the importation of beehives from Australia and China. The popular theory is that these foreign bees have brought the disease, through mites they carry. Beehives were imported because agricultural corporations could not keep up with the demand for commercial beehives for the pollination of crops such as nuts, berries and other fruits and vegetables, especially in the West and Mid-West.

Beekeepers actually rent hundreds of hives during a season. Some of these hives travel thousands of miles/annum accross multiple state lines to do their job.