Sunday, October 12, 2008

Graduation Day

October 10. Graduation Day. Now on to bigger and better things, mainly a decent salary which is something distinctly lacking in my current job. I do enjoy my job itself very much. Don't get me wrong.
However, it's sad how there is always something 'bout every job that is disagreeable. Unfortunately in my case it is the most important thing - Money! Or then, the lack thereof.

About the Graduation - a decent event with lots of pomp and circumstance. A hall full of graduates andd guests.

Very noticably was that, by my guestamate, less than 5% knew the words to the Star Spangled Banner that was played to open the event. Eish! And most don't care! - a big grievance for my lovely Texan-born, military-raised wife, and rightly so.

Had a great lunch with some former classmates at the Rusty Pelican afterwards, overlooking the Miami skyline. Come visit us and we'll take you there!

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