Thursday, January 07, 2010

A Toast to the New Year

Here's wishing all our valued friends and family the most prosperous, productive, and blessed 2010!

We ended a rather sedate 2009 of on a high with a adventurous road trip through the North-Eastern United States, driving more than 3,000 miles, and passing through 12 states in the process. Spent some great quality time with the family, saw it snowing for the first time, had my first white Xmas with Sarah's lovely family, and ski'd.
We ventured off the beaten track on occasion, a surprise finding of Colonel Sanders' first KFC and tavern/inn in a little Tennessee mountain town with a population of less than 200, stood on the spot in Harper's Ferry where John Brown was hanged, had the most expensive Indian food ever in Washington D.C., the best ever(!) Afghan food in Georgetown, visited all the neighborhoods in the nation's capital, and even had a delightful conversation with an authentic 17th century shoemaker in Williamsburg.

The best however, was the memorable time spend with great friends and family - they made the 16 days fly and their companionship and conversation rejuvenated us.

We are ready for 2010 - it is going to be a spectacular year!
God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!