Instead of sending out newsletters - and in keeping with the times, we decided it'll be less boring and way more fun to keep you, our much missed and much appreciated family and friends, up to date in this way.
Firstly, we're hoping that this will be an effective way to keep in contact with you and keep you up to date with what we're doing on this side of the globe. We just know that after reading our blog you'll immediately be absolutely inspired to start writing to us!
Secondly, apparently a picture speaks a thousand words. Being able to share with you our pictures, and also providing links to our online photo albums, we should be able to write less. This will save us time and more importantly, save you from having to delete yet another mass newsletter from your inbox. We'll be updating this blog more or less every third/fourth day.
So please, sit back and take a few moments to enjoy these news "articles" of ours. Save some time though, to write back to us at bouwerblog@gmail.com
We'd love to hear from you.
Marco and Sarah
Hallo daar Marco en Sarah,
ons het nie van julle vergeet nie, ek het bietjie op julle Blogspot gaan lees, dit is nou regtig 'n puik idee! ook baie interessant om jou ervarings te hoor, hoe gaan dit met die werksoekery.
Ons sukkel met ons rekenaar op die stadium, sodra ons weer reg is sal ons op Skype met julle gesels.
Julle moet lekker bly- hoop jy kry die rugby gesien!
Taichung groete
Louie en Theresa en Ludvig
Fantasties om 'n slag van jou te hoor.
Wie het nou ooit gedink dat jy so laag sou daal (grappie........)
Gaan geweldig
Ek het net vinnig geloer... dis baie cool!
Great idee
Sal later biki langer kyk.
Hey Marco,
dis soooo lekker om al julle nuus te lees en foto's.... !!
Dink aan julle ten tyde van Wilma... (my TV is nog nie ingestel nie... dus het ek CNN gemis die laaste paar weke!)
Ek kon dit darem regkry om die foto's te kyk, maar is nog te oningelig om direk op die nuwe manier te antwoord. Ek is baie beindruk met julle vaardighede. Ek hoop om in eerste week Mei 2006 weer vir konferensie in Orlando te wees.
Vertrou julle groei in verhouding en as mense.
Tannie Sandra
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