As a newcomer and still a relative outsider, there's still much strangeness about my newly adopted country - I that lacketh the cultural background and thus sufficient understanding of these intricacies!Here's a humorous look at some sport phenomena:
Americans, and none the least Floridians, love their sport. Twenty miles South of our home is the
NASCAR Oval of Homestead. Here, on certain chosen evenings, rupturous, screeching and wildly motoric noise erupts from within the high picked fences. According to the Miami Herald, Nashcar racing is the #1 growing sport in the country. I don't understand - who came up with this sport? Some dude watching his clothes spin in the dryer one day, "Gee this looks like fun. Let's make a day out of this!"
And where did they come up with the name? Maybe two Southern boys were trying to impress each other one day:
"Hey Bubba, did ye see ma new wheels?"
Bubba: "Gosh, nahhhssss car!"
And the
football. They got it all wrong! Throwing a ball forward? Holding on in the tackle! Not passing the ball? It just doesn't seem right. Does anyone know that the 1904 Olympic Games was the last time rugby was held as an Olympic sport. Guess who's the last official holders of the rugby gold medal? The United States of America.
The draft system in football is another of those strange new concepts that I still have difficulty in grasping. How do the fans in Florida justify staying loyal to a sports team? Players are always changing and moving to other cities or states.
Therefore, a Dolphin fan is, in fact, cheering for his team's clothes to beat the clothes from another city! The same player wearing a different shirt - "Tackle him hard! Boo! Kick his shin!"
(Afterthought: I have to admit though, that I'm really starting to enjoy this sport.)
And lastly - according to comedian Jerry Seinfeld, a professional wrestler in America is struck down by a folding chair once every thirty-five seconds! While the referee is looking the other way, of course.
I've had a startling revelation regarding
pro wrestling: The guy with the most ridiculous nickname will always win the fight. "From California comes the iron man, Hank the Purple Hammer Armstrong! And in the left corner we have.... Bob!"