It's life as usual in Miami after returning from a week of R&R in Northern Florida with our family.
Our unexpected Wilma-induced long weekend became a proper, enjoyable week-long holiday after her Category 3-winds tore at Southern Florida. I won't bore you with old news details about the devastation she caused, but there are still thousands without power.
The last hundred odd miles to Miami on I-95 was pretty eerie, driving at night past Boynton Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Hollywood, and Northern Miami, some areas engulfed in total darkness. Gas is in high demand at the few open gas stations and we spend an hour at one station, just to drive off with only 4 gallons of gas.
Although all the trees in our area has been blown over or damaged, along with many roofs, other then lots of debris, we're thankful that there is little damage.
Last week thousands of people stood in lines for hours on end for water and gas and the complaints in the media against the state and federal governments were endless, just as it was in New Orleans after Katrina. It goes beyond me why mature citizens cannot heed warning calls and stock up on neccesities for them and their families in advance. Urgent warnings have been bellowing through all available state media when Wilma was still advancing towards the Mexican coastline, 5 days before she made landfall. Governnor Bush has said as much and made a mocking of the accusors. There is only so much even the most efficient government can do in a crisis situation of such magnitude.
I'm still actively seeking employment and in the meantime I'm substituting at a high school on a regular basis, while also doing a bit of freelance writing and editing. The problem with being unemployed is that as soon as you wake up in the morning - there you go - you're on the job! I've also learned that man was definitely not designed to be a home-maker and if I cannot kill the meat I prepare for dinner, at least I can go and buy it at the convenience store!
Sarah is counting her days at her present school and we appreciate Morrison and it's excellent administration just so much more. So too do we miss the Asian attitude towards education and educators. These little ones unfortunately do not strive for the same academic standards, nor do they attach the same meaning to the words respect and accountability. (There you have the core reason why any country eventually loses greatness.)
Dan and Mindy Slaughter, whom we have grown close to the last couple of years in Taichung, spend the last few weeks at Morrison before returning back to Oregon. They said they felt like they were home again.
We can just imagine guys!
Pic - Playing tourists in St. Augustine, America's oldest settlement, dating back to the 1580's.
- Sarah and her Mom on the battlement of the old Spanish fort.
Hope yer power is back on. I'm looking forward to the next update.
Hi guys!
When do you upload the next news article?
I'm waiting.
Pleasure to visit your website!
Talk to you soon.
Ek het dit hier by die werk en gaan kyk gereeld julle BLOG. Dis waar ons ons inspirasie vir ons eie BLOG gekry het.
Sal dit vir jou beginne aanstuur so
gou as wat ek bietjie foto's gelaai kry. Is maar dommerig.
Jacques moet my eers mooi oor die naweek wys. Dan sal ek bietjie rondspeel. Sal moet beginne ons dinge in Engels vertaal want ons het soooo baie engelse vriende wat ook sal wil lees... kannie besluit of ek dit afrikaans gaan hou en of ek dit gaan verengels nie... besluit nog.
Dankie. Ons geniet julle BLOG verskriklik. Jou vrou is pragtig!!!!!
Wanneer ons ons Britse paspoorte volgende Junie/Julie kry, gaan ons beginne toer na Amerika. Dis baie makliker as om met die SA-paspoort te sukkel (visums etc). Dan sal ons daar by julle kom koffie drink.
Laat rol die BLOG-nuus. Ons geniet dit!
Dankie baie !!!
Dit voel of ons 'n BROER in die vreemde het. Jy gaan deur soortgelyke gevoelens en verlangens as ons - die taal, die verlange na son en familie...
Ons lees graag en hoor graag hoe dit met julle gaan.
Hi julle - heerlik om julle nuus te lees. Wou gister met julle gesels maar toe
het ek een of ander verkeerde knoppie gedruk en daar gaan staan die hele
rekenaar toe - wil graag hoor hoe dit met julle gaan.
Seppie en Quirine
Great stukkie skryfwerk, Marco! kry sommer heimwee. Ek praat ook so min
afrikaans en dis darem lekker om so nou en dan die taal te kan gooi. ek leer
Craig Die Taal maar sal seker nooit die aksent daaruit kan haal nie!!!
met werksoekery.
Lekker om insae in jou lewe in USA te kry!
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