At 23h50, Saturday 24/12 I picked Sarah up from Miami's International Airport and we sped home through the nightly hours. The idea was to reach the Christmas tree and have all the many gifts in position before Sarah's 4 young siblings woke up. Christmas morning in their household reminds strongly of the goldrush of the late nineteenth century in Pelgrim's Rust.
I notched up a raccoon as a roadkill and struggled heroically to stay awake on the road (read 4 coffee's), but we made it, with 30 minutes to spare. The little one's lit up faces is worth seven such trips.

Many Americans light up their houses and gardens with all kinds of Xmas lights and decorations. Driving through the suburbs was like being in Happy Valley in P.E. again as a kid - magic. I included one of the many pics I took. This Xmas-scene could be seen on many front lawns.
My mother-in-law would win a cooking show-down with Martha Steward any day and when I finally stopped eating the day was gone. Some great family time and an incompetent loss in a favourite card game concluded a memorable day with great people.
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