Sunday, 2 May 2006 - Tampa.
Wildlife, wild rides, wondrous live shows and too much to do and see in the space of the Sunday that we had.
Busch Gardens Africa is a marvelous park - two days is not enough time. Ek het oopbek rondgeloop en staar na die konstante beweging om ons.

The Serengeti Plain's recreated plains, 65 acres large was quite impressive and I thoroughly enjoyed all the animals that was on display. This included a gorilla breeding pair with a week-old baby.

Thousands of birds, reptiles and some funny-looking mammals. Then there was the animals in the cages too!
Then, my personal favorite was the Brewmasters Clubhouse, where you can sample all the best from the Annheuser-Busch portfolio. I did some sampling. James and I even found a tree with beer bottles growing on it (see picture).

The Sheikra is the only dive-coaster in the US, it plummet's 90 degrees straigt down, from 200 feet high - sheer stark raving madness! No, I did NOT ride it. My certifiable friends and wife however, did.

However, I did do the Kumba - a 60-mph, 100-foot plummeting, 360 degree spiralling rollercoaster ride. It is ludicrous.
Ek het dit gedoen om Sarah se gespot te stop, om my manlikheid aan die ander vrinne te bewys, die Republiek se naam hoog te hou tussen die Yanks, my eie duiwels te besweer. En helaas, om weer te gaan brekfis geniet op 'n tweede leƫ maag...

O moer, dit was verskriklik! Tollend, draaiend, drukkend, vry. Knikkerende, gillende, kwylend, half-bewustelose Afrikaner kotsend hoog tollend in die humiede Florida-lug.
NOOIT weer nie!

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