A South African-American couple's perspective on living in the Middle Kingdom. Commentary on a range of topics. Starting our blog again after a hiatus of more than 10 years!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Hotel Touring in Orlando!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday Night Live
Friday, December 14, 2007
'n Taaie Tameletjie
Ek het 4 maande se intense, kraakvars, maagdelike M.B.A.-materiaal oor om kaf te draf voor ek kan ontspan. Dit raak nou lank.
Sedert die begin van die mnd. is dit Finansiele Bestuur en ai, dis so 'n interessante EN onontbeerlike veld. Ongelukkig het Jaap hier (die uwe) skrapse Finansiele agtergrond, en ek suffer. Klastyd is dit soos om molasses te eet - vir 4 uur lank!
Hou bene hou!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Food for Thought

Dit was 'n vlugtig gereelde, maar baie besonderse geleentheid. Duisende mense daag op om hulde te bring aan die Elisa van ons tyd. Ons is nuuskierig. Maar dis sy nederigheid wat my aanvanklike skeptisme teenoor hom laat waan en sy opregtheid wat my oorwen. "I cannot save you, only God can do that for you." 'n Simplistiese boodskap, hard en reguit, sonder fancy tierlantyntjies (so gewild in kerke deesdae om mense te "lok"), en honderde mense kom tot bekering. The real deal.
Hy is hoof uitvoerende beampte van Samaritan's Purse, 'n wêreld-organisasie wat grootskaalse hulpverleningswerk in noodgeteisterde werelddele doen, gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprojekte bestuur, globale mediese dienste verrig en

This is a touching picture (above) from the Samaritan's Purse website, isn't it? No successful proposal, business plan, awarded grant, fundraising event, or any other unimportant work-related accomplishment comes close to stirring the heart like this picture does.
A smile will mean a lot to these kids. Imagine how these kids will treasure a can of coke!? Here in superficial Miami our colleagues bicker because the annual staff Xmas party is too ordinary. They buy cake worth $1000 because it will impress the guests. Only a new X-Box or I-Phone will impress the kids.
Monday, December 10, 2007
This Life
- Artie Shaw, as told in the book The Call, by Guinness.
Such a fantastic quote, there is so much to it on so many different levels. I can read it over and over again.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Mysterious Bee Disease Threaten US Crops

While visiting N-Carolina, Sarah and I one day happened upon an agricultural presentation being given on this new phenomenon. Not a big deal, I thought. Wrong. Apparently, it is having quite an impact.
Bees play an integral role in the world food supply, and are essential for the pollination of more than 90 million fruit and vegetable crops worldwide. In the US alone these products pollinated by bees are worth more than $14.6 billion per annum. Since 2005 CCD have caused a 50-90% loss of bees in 25% of all commercial colonies in the US.
The first reports of the disease correlates with the first time that the US started to allow the importation of beehives from Australia and China. The popular theory is that these foreign bees have brought the disease, through mites they carry. Beehives were imported because agricultural corporations could not keep up with the demand for commercial beehives for the pollination of crops such as nuts, berries and other fruits and vegetables, especially in the West and Mid-West.
Beekeepers actually rent hundreds of hives during a season. Some of these hives travel thousands of miles/annum accross multiple state lines to do their job.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Our Smokey Mountains-Trip
We visited North-Carolina's Smokey Mountains, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville, Cherokee, The Smokey Mountains National Park, The Biltmore Estate, climbed Grandfather Mountain, spoke to some real Cherokee Indians, saw snow(!), to name but a few.
Sensory overload, the lavish beauty of Fall in them there mountains is indescribable.
We'll put pics up as soon as possible.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
NasCar Comes to South-Florida!
Marco enjoyed every moment of it, especially the crowds and the vibe. However, when I asked him what he thought of the sport itself, he put on his "southern" accent and drawled, "W-e--ll, next time I reckon I'll just sit myself down in front of the dryer and watch the clothes tumble. I reckon it's 'bout the same effect."
Click below to experience a part of the race!
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Annual Alumni Awards Evening
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Politics of Parsing
The problem with any election is that someone will eventually be elected!
Here in the States the race is already very heated between the candidates for the Presidential race, irrespective of party lines. To think that the election is more than 15 months away!
Irrespective of Hillary's poor form and obvious plastic statements, the US media is partial and she is usually portrayed in the press as a pretty awesome candidate.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Weekend Getaway
Pretending to take her for a morning on Hollywood's pretty beaches, I booked us into a beachfront hotel and surprised her by picking up our room key instead of going to the car when we left.
One evening we happened upon a strange little shop and had a wonderful talk with
Aaah, the old memories. There's a life one sometimes long for, made from shards of old memory, an impossible life, thought full of adventure and ancient excitement.
Pascal wrote: " None of us are ever really living, but instead hope to live, and whilst we are always preparing to be happy, it is certain, we never shall be so, if we aspire to no other happiness than what can be enjoyed in this life."
Sunday, November 11, 2007
More Everglades Scenes
CAU's annual Alumni function is next week and I needed this breather before the chaos starts.
Pics (from top to bottom:)
- The last glimmer of day introducing nightfall across the river.
- A double-crested cormorant posing for a picture.
- Mike , Grant (beide Natallers) en ek het lekker in die langgras gespeel met hierdie antieke ryding.

Friday, November 09, 2007
Fight For Kisses
This is certainly one of the most creative ads I've seen. Wilkinson has taken it to the next level by creating a streetfighting game in addition to the ad! We had quite a laugh.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Auf Wedersehn

Monday, October 29, 2007
Batting Practice

I'll stop here more often after work in the future - trying to smack a ball coming at you at 50 miles/hour is awfully good theraphy. Especially after a frustrating day at the office.
In the picture, we caught Sarah at the exact moment of absolutely smashing the softball through mid-on, over the fielders head, for a beeeauuutiful four! Nice pic.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Everglades at Sunset

The farm borders the Everglades National Park and dusk is magical, transforming the land into a beautiful shadowland, lined with dazzling bright reds, oranges and purple streaks. Reminds me of sunset in Africa.
We had loads of fun trying t

There were no gigantic hunter-prey struggle, but the scaly dude squirmed enough for us to get some good glimpses of his ancient body.
Unfortunately he was just too far away to get a nice picture, but I did manage some good shots of the sunset.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A Visitor from Portland, Oregon

It's been nearly three years since I last saw Sara and we are looking forward to spending some time with her, showing her as much of Miami as we can, and spending some time in the sun.
Florida is to the US what Hermanus is to Capetonians = holiday country! Unfortunately, it started raining since she arrived and South Beach's golden sand will probably not see us as soon as we anticipated!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Sarah's Birthday, Universal and Isles of Adventure
Still, there were more people than I expected, mostly the hundreds of Brits that we shared the park with, making good use of the favorable exchange rate between the Dollar and the Pound.
Sarah loved the Isles for the rides - I just watched her do the roller coaster rides, Dr. Doom's Freefall, The Dueling Dragons (Why voluntarily undergo heartwrenching, adrenaline-draining rushes?!) - and I've
It was a long 3-hour drive home after an eventful day...
Pic: Sarah sitting on the egg in the nest, Dr. Zeus's garden.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Orlando Weekend
We visited the sprawling Disney city the weekend and I couldn't help admire the incredible vision of Walt Disney. It is a holiday fantast world, a city all on its own, spread out over thousands and thousands of prime acres, brought many years ago. When Walt brought the land, it was worthless as farm land, but you have to be a genuis to create something so spectacular as he did. Today, it is some of the most expensive real estate in America.
Sundat we visited SeaWorld. It's a beautiful park and the VIP beer tasting sessions are the best. Art and I left before lunch to go see the Rugby World Cup semi-final in an English pub nearby, leaving the women to peruse the park and see all the shows.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Latest News from the Rugby World Cup:
* South Africa meet Argentina in the other semifinal
* Australia meet New Zealand at the airport!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Viva Les Bleus!!

England 12-10 Australia
France 20-18 NZ
I'd say both results were a bit of a fluke, but surely South Africa is celebrating the Wallabies' and Kiwis' misfortune. I predict a France vs SA Final.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Johnson Controls, Inc. - a Fascinating Ethical Dilemma
I'm presenting the landmark US Supreme court Case of Johnson Controls, Inc. (JC), one of the world's largest manufacturers of automotive interior systems, automotive batteries and building control systems.
A primary ingredient in battery manufacture in JC's 16 plants are lead, the occupational exposure of which pose serious health risks, especially to a fetus carried by a female employee. The company introduced a Policy barring all women, except those that could medically prove that they were infertile, from jobs involving actual or potential exposure.
On the one side, JC had a responsibility towards shareholders to maximize profits, and towards the community to provide jobs and pump money into the community through churning out profits. JC had to rid itself of the liability pregnant employees posed, while providing a safe, risk-free working environment.
On the other side, the JC Policy was directly in violation of Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, whereby discrimination based on sex, race, color or religious preferences are prohibited.
So what to do?
The case went through several courts, before final verdict went against JC. However, it provided me with some fascinating presentation material and a case to test my Ethics Models and Theory against.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Springbok winger Bryan Habana, recognized as probably the fastest winger in the Southern Hemisphere, gets smoked for pace by Zim-born USA winger Ngwenya. Wow!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Marco and I have a difference in opinions when it comes to pets. Marco is a firm believer that a dog is man’s best friend. Without it, man is incomplete, reaching only half of his potential. All of our friends have dogs and whenever we visit he spends his time wrestling and playing with them. As soon as we’re about to leave, he gazes forlornly at them, as if they were forbidden fruit.
It’s not that I don’t like dogs, I just feel that it’s rather cruel to keep them locked in an apartment all day. It’s not like we have a yard for them to run around and play in. Gone would be the carefree, spirited weekends were we could just go, hello to responsibility that keeps us grounded in one place….
We’ve attempted several compromises. There was the fish Dot that my sister gave him for Christmas. She lasted approximately 72 hours before my sister-in-law’s boyfriend decided to end her short life by accidentally dehydrating her. Then there was the reptile “aquarium” that took place in the bathtub. That lasted until I went to take a shower. Oh, and then there was the small garden snake and bullfrog that were kept in the spare bathroom sink and somehow their portraits were burned onto my wedding album cd. What a surprise I was in for when I went to print pictures to send to a friend! Thinking that I had finally found the perfect pet, I offered to buy Marco a hermit crab or snail. They require little maintenance and take up no space but I was told they have no personality and he wasn’t interested.
Enter the ducks…
Seeing as most housing and apartment developments in this area are situated on lakes, some twisted developer thought it would enhance the properties outward beauty by installing ducks. The idea seems quaint; a peaceful lake with cute little white ducks swimming gracefully through glassy waters. However, I don’t think that much thought was given to the fact that ducks grow up and make more ducks. Now the once tranquil lakes are overrun with these things and they are now living like vagrants in the parking lot.
Marco couldn’t resist and diligently feeds them on a daily basis. There are two in particular (who by the way are gay) that he has trained to come to his call. They have moved into the bushes next to the stairwell and every morning and evening they wait expectantly for Marco to arrive. However lately, they’ve become even more brazen.
One Saturday I opened the door to take the trash out and there were the two ducks standing at our door. Now this might not seem like anything but we live on the third floor! All I could do was roll my eyes. “Honey!” I called as I slammed the door shut, “You have some friend at the door wanting to see you!” Marco’s face was priceless as he opened the door and they began to waddle their way in. “No, um, we had an agreement, no pets,” I said. “Tell your friends to leave, they’re not welcome here.” I guess the joke was on me, because later that afternoon when I went down to my car, duck poop was all over my hood and windshield.
Last Saturday we were headed to the beach. As we were putting things into the back end of the car, up waddled the two ducks. “No way,” I said. “There’s no way you’re coming with us.” Just like a child, they wandered over to the stairwell and began hopping the steps one at a time, meeting Marco half way. “Ahhh, look at the poor, lonely things,” Marco cooed. Exasperated, I looked at him. “There’s absolutely no way we’re bringing them to the beach!”
Since then, these ducks wait downstairs for us. I’ve tried going down the back staircase, leaving the house before the sun rises, parking in different parts of the parking lot. It’s to no avail, they know where I live and what I drive! Last night I arrived home, parked in another building’s parking lot and as I opened my door, there standing were the two ducks. If I don’t feed them, they get obnoxious; they honk, hiss, and flail their wings at me. I don’t know what’s scarier, them or the sight of me racing through the parking lot, papers flying, as two ducks are chasing me.
Marco finds the whole thing quite comical. As soon as he appears they become angelic, wagging their little tail feathers as if they’re pure as snow while leaving behind their nasty marks all over my windshield and hood. Recently Marco’s talked about taking the ducks with us when we move… I think I need to give in and get a dog!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Darth Vader at Ivy League University

This caused quite a stir, since he is viewed as one of the US's foremost enemies in the fight against terrorism. Earlier he said that one day Islam will rule the world (Yes Pinky!) and that the holocaust is a myth. Nice guy...
Monday, September 24, 2007
The US Immigration Issue
It is a simple issue that, over the past decade, have been alowed to escalate to monstrous proportions, an issue with many sides, and no clear right or wrong anymore. It seems that American citizens are on the losing end in the long run.
Which is why an article on France's new Immigration Laws, featured on the liberal-leaning CNN website caught my attention:
The new French law passed by Parliament tilts the system in favor of qualified workers and increases the restrictions for others. The new residency permit - called a "skills and talent-permit" - is only for foreigners possessing skills viewed by the French government as beneficial to their labor market and economy.
This is where it gets interesting - foreigners will only be allowed access if they can earn an income. (Medical Insurance and car insurance are the 2nd highest in the country here in Miami, wher ethe top half is carrying the bottom half.)
Furthermore, the law scraps the old rule where illegal immigrants can obtain permits if they have lived in France for 10 years or more. It will now be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by authorities. The government is threatening to deport school-going children to their countries of origin, because their parents are illegal immigrants.
(My immigration process has been ongoing for more than 2 years - legally. However, immigrants coming in illegally, are granted legal residency status. If an illegal is stopped by the police without a driver's license and required car insurance, they are not allowed to ticket, or arrest them.)
Approved immigrants will be forced to sign an "Integration Contract" committing them to respect the French way of life! Wow!!
Imagine that in Miami, where many who has lived here for decades, still cannot speak English, refuse to call themselves Americans, and have not integrated into the American culture, but often mocks it.
Everyone has Rights, says the Constitution. 'Tis true, but the focus is so much on these rights that the wellbeing of American citizens are left on the wayside. In Oregon, there is a new proposal before their Education Board that will allow children of immigrants to study the curriculum of their countries of origin - in the American public schools system!
"No, you don't have to study our American history, or English, just live here, and enjoy the free education and healthcare." Being fiercely patriotic, this wouldn't sit well with me. Lamsakke!
The new law has prompted hostile reaction from the liberal parties and the Catholic church in France. At least it can be said that the French government took a decisive stand and are not blinking in the inevitable face of criticism and at the chance of offending anyone.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
In the seventh round you were knocked down. What happened?
Uh, it's all a little hazy, but from what I can tell, the other gentleman was punching me in the face...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Dis mirrel-van-die-kwartaal-sindroom, vermoed ek. Ons is douvoordag op, word 'n tweede keer op kantoor wakker na die eerste koppie Kubaanse koffie (- en wonder hoe ek de vy ek daar gekom het!), is besig, middagete om 'n kontak te "kultiveer", neig moeg saans huistoe, spitsverkeer-gefrustreerd, honger, oefen, groet, kuier, kook, swot, en raak voor die TV aan die slaap op mekaar se skote, net om met 'n ruk wakker te word en te besef my rooibos is yskoud en Jay Lenno vertel grappe = 11:30-00:00!
Real life that happens in between the weekend and travel pics, I guess.
Sarah vors Meestersgrade na in die Noorde. Sy is Junie klaar met haar sewende skooljaar en ons vertrou dis dalk haar laaste as werknemer van die skoolsisteem.
Ek woon hierdie week 'n Nasionale Grants Writing werkswinkel by deur die Universiteit van Miami, vroeg tot laat, maar die materiaal hou my konsentrasie gevange. My huidige studie-blok is BestuursEtiek. 'n Tameletjie - nie die holistiese prinsiepe nie, wel die realistiese studiegevalle.
Nag ou grote.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Zim played out of their skins, the Aussies looked rusty and history was made as the Africans wobbled to a tense, memorable five-wicket victory last night over the men from Down Under - the winning runs being hit off the penultimate ball of the innings.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Setanta's False Advertising

The annual subscription is outrageously expensive and the quality only so-so. But if you're like me, you enjoy rugby and after all, the RWC is only once every four years. So I signed up for the monthly subscription.
After you pay and log on, a new message appears, informing you that in fact, you - as a mere, lowly monthly subscriber - are only eligible to watch re-runs of last years Scottish Rugby League and some Irish Footbal re-runs. This is the same company who's front page is splashed with RWC feautures - "If you sign up now..."
"The world cup games are available live either as part of the Annual subscription or individually in the PPV event list. They are not however included as part of the monthly subscription.
We are more than happy to cancel and refund your monthly subscription under the circumstances – please let us know if you’d like this done."
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
The Long Wait is Over

"Kinderlik opgewonde", or just plain excited am I on this day.
This causes a certain dilemma, for even though my host country has send a team to France, most Americans don't know what rugby is. (The thousands

Baseball and Football are kings of the Sports channels. The US Open tennis tournament is currently underway at Flushing Meadow, NY. Last night the last two Americans lef

Fortunately Sentanta Sports (http://www.setanta.com/) announced today that they will stream live coverage of all 48 games of the World Cup to the seven rugby enthusiasts across North-America, as the exclusive online broadcaster. The company operates the only European sport channel in North-America.
The fee-based ticket pass is not too shabby either, costing only $14.99 for the full month of international rugby, live and on demand.

In ensuing posts, I'll write a short explanation of the game of rugby - to the benefit of my North-American friends - explaining things like why the wings tend to be the most handsome players on the field, how to cook your wings in a nice spicy Masala sauce, why prop forwards suffer from NNS, or no-neck-syndrome and much more.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
About Labor Day and Florida's Space Coast
Friday, August 31, 2007
Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina
Miss Teen South Carolina, Caitlin Upton, was asked a Geography question as one of the five finalists in the national competition over the past weekend. She butchered the question and by Tuesday, have become an overnight sensation on Youtube, where the video clip has recorded nearly 3.5 million viewers. That's apart from the Miss Teen jokes and imitators that is now appearing!
At least South Africa features in her answer.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Kayaking the Intercoastal
Friends Curtis and Robin joined us as we ventured across speedboat infested waters to a clutter of small uninhabited islands. Here we saw all sorts of marine life, including a huge stingray, which was simply fantastic.
Footnote: two-seater kayaks are certain marriage and character builders!