The United Kingdom government has recently introduced a new plan - their Respect Agenda. This cross-governmental drive was established to curb "bad", yes anti-social behavior and nurture the good in society. This includes using bad language, littering, bad parenting, youth intervention and tackling family problems.
Check it out:
The Plan is based on prevention, with the emphasis on taking action and to this end the Police are encouraged to use force and "any other tools available". It includes having parents take responsibility for their children's behavior in school - this part sounds wickedly awesome to me, at least in theory!
"Problem Families" reported(!) by neighbors could be temporarily evicted from their neighborhoods and send to special camps where they will be "taught" social behavior. Wasn't this similar to what happened in Socialist and Communist societies in the past?
Sounds good and decent on paper, but is this Big Brother's legitimate terrain of governance? I guess it's debatable.
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