Amphibious Assault ships, Cobra helicopters, Hornet fighter jets, USAF Thunderbirds, air acrobatics, pararescue demonstrations, F-16's, B-2-Stealth Bombers, Warthogs, Lancer Bombers and F-15's were all part of a spectacular day's display. Glad we went.

Thus the USA Air Force and Navy paid homage to its servicemen and women - and to us taxpayers who finance their magnificent flying machines!
Die B2-Stealth Bomber was my hoogtepunt:
Dis net toe ek 'n teug wil neem uit my koeldrank-borrel wat die swart Spook onheilspellend laag - en geruisloos! - oor ons koppe swiep. Voor ek aan 'n gepaste uidrukking kon dink om my skok t
Pics: The B2, F. Lauderdale Beach flowing over with beachgoers and a quartet of Thunderbirds flying past in formation.
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