The McDonald's Air and Sea Show happened on Sunday from 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. along 4 miles of Fort Lauderdale Beach, between the famous Las Olas Blvd and Oakland Park Blvd. The military air and sea performances by the world's most powerful military force was simply breathtaking.
Amphibious Assault ships, Cobra helicopters, Hornet fighter jets, USAF Thunderbirds, air acrobatics, pararescue demonstrations, F-16's, B-2-Stealth Bombers, Warthogs, Lancer Bombers and F-15's were all part of a spectacular day's display. Glad we went.
Thus the USA Air Force and Navy paid homage to its servicemen and women - and to us taxpayers who finance their magnificent flying machines!
Die B2-Stealth Bomber was my hoogtepunt:
Dis net toe ek 'n teug wil neem uit my koeldrank-borrel wat die swart Spook onheilspellend laag - en geruisloos! - oor ons koppe swiep. Voor ek aan 'n gepaste uidrukking kon dink om my skok te omskryf, word die drukkende blou lug oopgeskeur deur 'n geweldadige klapklank wat dreunend, donderend, klaend die hemel inboor, verder en verder totdat nie een s'n spikkeltjie sigbaar is van die vlieƫnde oorlogsmasjien nie. Was my naam Abdul, en was en ek lid van Al Queda se woestyn-rolbalklub, was ek bokveld toe voor ek enigiets gehoor het.
Pics: The B2, F. Lauderdale Beach flowing over with beachgoers and a quartet of Thunderbirds flying past in formation.
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