The current media hysteria with Swine Flu... oops, rather the H1N1 strain, reminds strongly of the experience we had living in S-E-Asia during the Bird Flu "epidemic".
I remember that the whole Taichung were wearing face masks. It was a funny time. The entrance to every building you entered were guarded by security guards with little electronic thermometers. Once we tried to enter a movie theatre and Sarah's temperature was measured at more than 120! Although the measuring instrument was obviously broken, we did not get to see the movie that night... Not a single person in Taichung ever contracted the disease.
Health officials taking stock of the epidemic in the aftermath found that 12 people died as a result of the virus, throughout the whole Asia (MSNBC). And the deaths occurred in rural areas where doctors and medical attention were not readily available.

An epidemic is when thousands are already infected and affected. The media is talking about an epidemic!? People are gullible - moeee!, I lost my herd, which direction are they running in now.
Pic: We all know who Kermit got the flu from!
I've been fighting the monster South-Florida sabel tooth flu virus for the last 6 days. Luckily, it is subsiding and we'll hopefully be able to enjoy the upcoming weekend in some good health.
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