Saturday, November 12, 2005

Blog Visitors

A bunch of you have started your own Blogs since my introductory e-mail a few months ago. I have enjoyed reading from and about you, having not seen most for a long time.

Those of you who had started Blogs recently will be interested in the Webblog Site Visitor-function that you can instal. It provides you with all kinds of interesting info regarding the hits or visits your Blog receives. This week I we had 46 hits, compared to last week's 71, with each visitor spending an average of 12:49 minutes browsing through our pages.
There has been a steady increase since we made the Blog official in August. Those first four weeks we had less then 15 visitors/week.

It has been a pretty busy week and I apologize for the weeklong silence. There'll be news tomorrow.
Thank you for the e-mails and the comments.

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