Friday, November 25, 2005

First Thanksgiving

God bless America!
Today I experienced my first Thanksgiving on US soil. While the lunch, the 15lb golden turkey, the lattice cherry pie, the sweet cranberry mousse, the mouthwatering corn pudding, more grazing, family time, and live football is all behind us now, I'm still incapable of moving! I must've picked up 5 lbs today and there is still more grazing to be done. And then some! Wonderful.

The large retailers like WalMart, Macy's, Target, Best Buy, and others are opening their doors tomorrow at 0500 hrs for their BIG Thanksgiving Sale. Already the more eager participants are camping outside the doors of these stores to be the first to the merchandise.

Traffic has been horrendous - it took us three hours to get out of Miami and past Fort Lauderdale - all of 55 miles.

Winter has now firmly arrived even here in tropical Florida. Already there is a briskness to the early mornings and evenings that has us pulling out warm clothes for the first time.

Wishing a Blessed Thanksgiving to all our American friends and family!

Marco and Sarah

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