Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Cricketing World Leaders!

It's hard to believe, but the South African national cricket team - the Proteas - are now leading the pack on the LG ICC One Day International Cricket World Rankings. Yes, we're numero uno heading into the World cup to be held in the West Indies later this month.
This came after the South African demolition of Pakistan and Australia's unexpected loss of form. I stayed up untill the wee hours of the morning twice, glued to the screen for the Kiwi's two come-from-behind wins against the Aussies in the recent Chappel-Hadlee Series. The most incredible two matches I've ever watched apart from THAT game last year between Aus. and SA.

South Africa
New Zealand

Monday, February 26, 2007

Homework Taboo?

The Washington Post reported last week about the California legislature that has received a proposal that homework be banned in public schools.
Yes, that homework be made illegal, because it places to much of a burden on the poor kids, who has no time to just be that - kids.
That's right. Don't teach children responsibility. The same as my earlier mention of the total lack of accountability we notice parents display, and not just in Miami.
Sounds like cracks in the dam's wall...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Laser Tag

Thought I'd be too old to enjoy this, but it was grrreat!
Here's a bunch of us friends afterwards at the venue in Fort Lauderdale.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Jupiter, Florida's East Coast

Die uitgestrekte wit strande van Florida se Ooskus, 90 myl Noord van Miami.

Die foto is geneem sowat 2 myl van Jupiter Inlet, die rykste residentiële area in die VSA. Tiger, Nick Price en ander bekendes het elk 'n ou plekkie hier naby om die mooi strande en warm weer te geniet.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Jonathan Dickinson State Park - Part ll

The park has some nice walking trails and Sarah, Art, Adele and I even tried an hour-long one.

I've found that the term "hiking trail" has a very different connotation in the US of A than in South Africa. A hiking trail in the Republic is typically something you do spending anything from a few hours to a few days doing, often impying that you carry some provisions with you for the journey. Having a nice hut with beds and firewood, as provided by the friendly SA Parks Board, waiting at the end of a day's hike, is something totally foreign to Sarah. In the American Hiking Bible, according to Sarah Bouwer, you carry your own tent and you "rough" it!

Oh yes, the Park.... The Lokahotchee River runs through it, with awesome mangroe swamps, aligators, bobcats, deer, the works! Great cayaking available too.

Op die hiking trail kom ons af op 'n armadillo. Nog 'n ernstige dom dier! Nadat ek hom 'n paar keer gekiek het, is ek toe nuuskierig om Gertjie se gevreetjie te sien, maar hy grawe net gat, sy gatkant steeds in ons rigting. Eers toe ek agter hom gaan staan en kug wat gehasie besef potensieel is daar gevaar naby en toe's dit 'n affêre soos hy army-rolle doen en wegskarrel. As ek 'n slang was...

Jonathan Dickinson State Park - Hobe Mountain

This past long weekend we visited Jonathan Dickinson State Park, between Jupiter and Stuart, about 100 miles North of Miami. We visited - and ascended - Hobe "mountain", the highest natural point South of Lake Okeechobee, all 86 feet of it!
The 10-minute walk up to the peak was strenuous and left us flatlanders quite breathless! Not being used to overlooking anything in Florida, the view was very pretty. The observation tower gives a view of the Atlantic Ocean, the intracoastal waterway, the entire expanse of the park, as well as a glimpse of Tiger Wood's East Coast home on the Jupiter Inlet.

Bottom Pic: Optical Illusion. Although the walkway appears to be slanting upwards, it is dropping down.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Miami's East Coast

Driving straight East from where we live, you'll hit Deering Estate eventually, a preserved area in Pinecrest, Miami.
This is what the East coast of Florida looks like, from Miami Southwards towards the Keys (picture). Far off you can faintly make out the skyscrapers of South Beach.
Instead of sandy beaches, it is mangrove swamps that provides an estuary to many animals. And check out the water! Like a mirror - awesome for cayaking.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

These Days...

If anyone can give me Time Management advice, I'll pay you!
With the recent departure of our Director, our Office have taken on several new projects and now it feels like time is disappearing faster than I can make use of it. It kinda slips through the fingers. But its all incredibly exciting.
Still, is this our calling? Each one in his own corner, toiling away. What is ultimately the value added? Sarah and I are contemplating, praying, seeking, for Biblically there is certainly much, much more:

It reminded me of a quote by George Bernard Shaw that always inspires me:

"This is the true joy in life - that being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. That being a force of nature, instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work the more I live.
I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It's a sort of splendid torch which I've got to hold up for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations."

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Wave Boarding!

Saturday we went wave-boarding. They went, I tried... Still awesome.
Here's Grant being skillful at dusk, Las Olas area, Fort Lauderdale.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Besige Week-Dae

Hierdie M.B.A.-kursussie verwag baie van vlees en bloed hierdie week. Hy druk my gort kwansuis op 'n knop en my wange trek hol van die spanning net om hierdie week met sy Organizational Diagnostic deur te sien.
My hoof het gister bedank en Ontwikkeling-sake reen neer op hierdie skouerknoppies, juis h-i-e-rdie week.

"Captain, I canna hol' her, we'ra losin' power!"

(Vlge Blog-bydrae sal dus effe vertraag wees!!)))

Monday, February 05, 2007


Sunday happened to be our 2-year anniversary.
Had the shower filled with balloons and a card saying something regarding "showering you with warm wishes or blessings..." Hehehe...

Superbowl 2007 - Miami

After two weeks of city-wide preparations, and pre-pre-pre-pre-final shows, the Superbowl happened on Sunday night - in spectacular fashion - for more than one reason. (It's the American Currie cup-final, Afrikaners.)
Apart from the Halftime show and the TV ads, the game was electrifying. In a bruising encounter, quarterback Payton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts beat the Chicago Bears 29-17.

Coach Tony Dungy is the first African American coach to win the Superbowl in it's 43-year history. This is big news in the States.

What was very special, was when Dungy stated that it's the first time that the coaches from both teams were born-again Christian believers. and he humbly and clearly gave praise where Praise was due.
Even before he said it, it was clear that there was something different about this guy. Dit was fantasties. And refreshing, in an age where admitting you're a christian in public, is taboo. What an example to the millions of kids who were watching.

Prince entertaining FOOTBALL fans during the halftime show. It's like having Nataniel replace Steve Hofmeyer at Loftus. The mind boggles.
Laastens, en liewer in Afrikaans - Die aankondiger oorhandig toe die troefee aan, soos hy dit gestel het, die nuwe "Wereldkampioene".... But this time the game came second and a coach shifted the focus to more important things.
(Pictures courtesy of SI. The Colts are in white.)

Another Successful Event Completed!

Wednesday evening our Development Department were responsible for hosting a hugely successful Scholarship Award Evening.

Here's me and Andrea in the aftermath of a hurricane-like week leading up to the event.