Monday, April 23, 2007

Final Gala Preparations

The University's annual fundraising event, the 2007 Masquerade and Carnival Gala, happened on Saturday night at the Ritz Carlton in Key Biscayne. Our Development Department are intimitately involved in the organizing of this glitzy event, and a fantastic experience to be a part of.

Through the Gala we raise funds for scholarships for talented, but financially disadvantaged students, of whom many are first generations immigrants to Miami and the US. The nearly 500 guests at the event are mostly the top CEO's and other leaders of the largest companies in Miami, community leaders, entertainers, politicians, lawyers, bankers, and those in the field of tertiary education.
The theme for the evening - the Masquerade an dCarnival Gala - is a mix between a Venetian Ball and a Brazilian Carnaval.

Friday we took the students and other volunteers involved in the reception and the Gala to the hotel for a final rehearsal of the program.
Pic: #1 The event planner Adriana rehearsing with some of the students.
Pic: #2 Part of the organizing committee celebrating with some bubbly that the Gala is in sight.

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