Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Everglades at Sunset

Friends Michael and Melanie Joubert invited us to their fishfarm, near the Southern tip of Florida.

The farm borders the Everglades National Park and dusk is magical, transforming the land into a beautiful shadowland, lined with dazzling bright reds, oranges and purple streaks. Reminds me of sunset in Africa.

We had loads of fun trying to feed a dead fish to one of the neighborhood aligators. Mike stuck a chunk of foamalite in the fish's mouth and the current took it straight to where the aligator were lurking.
There were no gigantic hunter-prey struggle, but the scaly dude squirmed enough for us to get some good glimpses of his ancient body.

Unfortunately he was just too far away to get a nice picture, but I did manage some good shots of the sunset.

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