Monday, February 18, 2008

Mugabe's Zimbabwe

The situation in Zimbabwe seems to be getting even worse.
The statistics are staggering: According to the BBC the country's inflation is now 3,7000%, the highest in the world by a long shot. Basic commodities such as bread and milk are not readily available in shops. More than 3 million Zimbabweans have already fled across the border into South Africa.
Speaking of, its big brother neighbor, South Africa is persistent in its unwillingness to apply pressure on Robert Mugabe. Instead, the SA government is pursuing its "quiet diplomacy"-policy. Meanwhile, Zim's economic slide is basically complete, affecting the entire region. The country's next general elections will be held in 2010, around the same time as the Soccer World Cup in South Africa.
Ol' Bob lavishly celebrated his 84th birthday this past Saturday, while unemployment last month soared to 80%. He is preparing to launch his campaign for a sixth term in power...

Click below for the complete article:

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