Sunday, February 17, 2008

To the Zoo!

Sarah's mom and her siblings visited us for an extended weekend and we had ample time to play tourguides for the kids.

The young one's and I share a love for animals so what better place to visit on a lazy Sunday afternoon than the Miami Zoo.

We saw some pretty weird and also some very familiar animals. I'm referring to all the African species on display, especially the meerkat and the hyena, who seemed to be laughing at me. A "headless" camel had us all stoked, until we figured out where his head went!

Many of the wild animals on display, however, don't belong in Miami's, hot, humid, tropical climate - own interpretation. They looked downright unhappy, hot and bored to death.

They looked so hot and thirsty that I immediately drank a Bud in their memory when I got home.

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