Friday, March 07, 2008

Bill Toppled As World's Richest Man

After 13 years on top of Forbes' World's Richest List, Microsoft tycoon Bill Gates' reign at the top has come to an end. Ironically, he has been surpassed by non other than his good friend and philantropy partner Warren Buffet of Berkeshire Hathaway fame.

Alas, despite being worth $58 billion, a mere $2 billion more than last year, that is only good enough to place Bill in third spot - globally. Also beating him to second spot is the Mexican telecom tycoon, Carlos Slim Helu, who's fortune has doubled in the past 25 months.

View the list of billionaires @:

The list certainly indicates change - two years ago 10 of the top 20 billionaires were Americans, today there is only four. However, among the total list of billionaires acrros the globe - 1125 altogether! - approximately 45% are still Americans. The country with the most top ten finishers are ....India! with four.
Russia is second behind the US with the 87 billionaires, less than 2 decades after the fall of the great USSR. Germany is third with 59 billionaires.

South Africa's top spot is held by the owner of a small family business - a mining family business! - Nicky Oppenheimer of De Beer's ($5.7 billion). Patrice Motsepe of South Africa and Nigeria's Aliko Dangote joines the exclusive club og billionaires, the first Africans to do so.
And then, the most enviable of them all: The creator of Facebook, 23-year old Mark Zuckerberg, is certainly the youngest self-made billionaire in mankind's history.

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