I've recently enrolled for "Importing and Exporting in Florida", a short jam-packed evening course that I find particularly interesting.
It is a field that has fascinated me since my early days in Taiwan, although then mostly just as an observer. Since leaving South-East Asia Sarah and I have become more and more aware of the broad range of products and services and the huge difference in price between here and there. Keeping a foreign perspective, opportunities are everywhere..
A small window of opportunity has opened for me to potentially begin with an MBA, starting in May. This is ironic, since Sarah is the Bouwer team member seriously pushing to start working on a Masters asap. She has applied to a couple of schools and we are currently playing the waiting game. Her Florida State Teaching Certification is our first priority though and through no fault of her own, she is currently running slightly behind schedule with her paperwork.
We'll see how things pan out in the next three months. Currently she has 11 weeks of school left, after which there is a propable trip to the Ukraine for her.
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