The first race of the season was quite an affair, a fanfare, a festival and FUNtastic. A great introduction for Sarah and I to this interesting new sport.
Fourty-two corporate and club teams competed for the title of Best Dragon boat team in Miami. Our Puff Dragonboat Team, the official team of the Miami Club, eventually came out as winners in the Mixed event and second in the Ladies event.

Competition was fierce and we sweated freely under the baking sun. It is a team sport where mistakes from one member certainly affects the effort of the whole boat. In the second heat we won by the lenght of a dragon's tongue, literally! I learned that exact timing and perfect tecnique is more important than power. As our ladies team showed by competing - and beating - a team of powerfully build policemen.

We have a team of great characters and interesting perso-nalities from all over the world and we both enjoy the social aspect of the sport. The next big race event is in April in Tampa.

Click on the link for some more great pics of the Brickel weekend in Miami.
The Miami Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival.
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