My flight over was uneventful. There was a charming old British woman sitting next to me on the flight. She was like a relic from the Victorian Era, smartly dressed, with a slight handicap as she had packed her glasses into her suitcase rendering her blind.

Well, that got the missus riled to say the least and then I began to hear, in her very clipped accent, about what "cheek" young people have today. "Exactly where is the beach you see?" I asked, hoping to get her mind off the steward. She pointed and exclaimed, "Over there! You see, there's the sand, and the water, and it looks like the tide is coming in." Realization dawned on me and I had to stiffle a laugh. The "sand" was really the plane's wings with sunlight reflecting off it, the "water" was the early morning sky, and the "tide" was the clouds drift that covered the wing. "And what a lovely beach it is!" I exclaimed. "Yes, that's what I thought. That stewardess is a bit cheeky I think. I suppose she's just tired as it's been a long flight," sighed my seat companion as she settled back in for the landing. I couldn't help but smile and think, what will I be like when I'm her age?
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