I've found that the term "hiking trail" has a very different connotation in the US of A than in South Africa. A hiking trail in the Republic is typically something you do spending anything from a few hours to a few days doing, often impying that you carry some provisions with you for the journey. Having a nice hut with beds and firewood, as provided by the friendly SA Parks Board, waiting at the end of a day's hike, is something totally foreign to Sarah. In the American Hiking B
ible, according to Sarah Bouwer, you carry your own tent and you "rough" it!
Oh yes, the Park.... The Lokahotchee River runs through it, with awesome mangroe swamps, aligators, bobcats, deer, the works! Great cayaking available too.
Op die hiking trail kom ons af op 'n armadillo. Nog 'n ernstige dom dier! Nadat ek hom 'n paar keer
gekiek het, is ek toe nuuskierig om Gertjie se gevreetjie te sien, maar hy grawe net gat, sy gatkant steeds in ons rigting. Eers toe ek agter hom gaan staan en kug wat gehasie besef potensieel is daar gevaar naby en toe's dit 'n affêre soos hy army-rolle doen en wegskarrel. As ek 'n slang was...
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