Apart from the Halftime show and the TV ads, the game was electrifying. In a bruising encounter, quarterback Payton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts beat the Chicago Bears 29-17.
Coach Tony Dungy is the first African American coach to win the Superbowl in it's 43-year history. This is big news in the States.
What was very special, was when Dungy stated that it's the first time that the coaches from both teams were born-again Christian believers. and he humbly and clearly gave praise where Praise was due.
What was very special, was when Dungy stated that it's the first time that the coaches from both teams were born-again Christian believers. and he humbly and clearly gave praise where Praise was due.
Even before he said it, it was clear that there was something different about this guy. Dit was fantasties. And refreshing, in an age where admitting you're a christian in public, is taboo. What an example to the millions of kids who were watching.

Laastens, en liewer in Afrikaans - Die aankondiger oorhandig toe die troefee aan, soos hy dit gestel het, die nuwe "Wereldkampioene".... But this time the game came second and a coach shifted the focus to more important things.
(Pictures courtesy of SI. The Colts are in white.)
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