Friday, August 04, 2006

Hurricane Season Kickstarted

We've just entered the three crucial hurricane months of South-Florida's Hurricane Season with the start of August. We've already been greeted by tropical storm Chris brewing of the coast of the Bahamas, moving slowly West-North-West.
The CWB were watching it closely to see if it would develop into the season's first hurricane. Last night it fizzled out above Cuba to just another depression and South-Floridians breathed again in relief.
It has been predicted last year that this season will be twice as bad as last season, which saw the likes of Katrina and Wilma. As many as 17 hurricanes are expected this season. And I'm hoping that weathermen stay true to historical form and be shown up again as poor predictors of the future.

Pic: (Palm Beach Post) Chris yesterday showing off wind speeds of about 60 m/h.

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