Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ukraine- Borsh

Borsh is apparently the staple dish in the Ukraine. Made from chicken broth it is home to cabbage, potatoes, garlic, and the occasional tomato. It comes in a variety of colors- red, yellow, green. Served with mayo it is a different fare. One that I can say after eating it for the last 15 meals my enthusaism is beginning to wan.

Don't get me wrong, soup is good. In fact, last I recall there's quite a vareity sitting in my pantry at home. There's the reliable chicken noodle when you have a cold, the creamy tomato for a light snack, broccoli and cheese which is divine when poured over chicken. They say too much of a good thing is bad. With that said, I think Borsh has come to retirement age.

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