Monday, December 18, 2006

Craigslist Still "for the People"

During 2006 I've watched with considerable interest the boom of websites like YouTube (with revenues of more than $1 Billion in '06) and MySpace. These savvy companies understood - and exploited very cleverly - the very basic human character trait of communication - of being heard and seen, of exchanging ideas.

Which makes the following article on Craigslist refreshingly different, yet strangely odd too. The website, having been around before the beforementioned companies were even a twinkle in their creator's eyes, exists to help find web users jobs, accommodation etc. online. According to the NYTimes, it has doubled in growth for the past 3 years.
Investors cannot understand why the owners don't monetize the company. Their potential in monetary terms is mind-boggling...
Click here for the article:

  • NYTimes Article on Craigslist
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