Monday, July 30, 2007

CAMMP Conference 2007

I was privileged to be able to attend the annual national CAMMP (Council of Alumni Marketing and Membership Professionals) Conference in Champaign-Urbana, at the University of Illinois.

It was a fantastic experience meeting with nearly 150 other Alumni Development Officers from Universities across the US, networking and being exposed to new trends, helpful technology and different ways to do the same old. It was information overload, since I'm a one-man-show in terms of Alumni-related projects in our office. Some of the big State Universities have an Alumni office of 50 personnel. I came home with many new revenue-generating projects in mind.

We had a blast though, and I experienced hospitality like I'm not used to in Miami. It was grrreat!

I included some pics - unfortunately the only pictures are of the evening events, which makes it look like we partied all the time! There were some long hard hours put into the conference during the day.

Pic 1: UI's Alumni Center - I was so jealous.

Pic 2 : The first night we were taken to watch a showing of the old movie classic - Animal House. It was a costume party - funny to see Directors dressing up!

Pic 3: In this beautiful, historic Theatre House on campus. It was an experience!
Pic 4: If you work hard, you party hard - UI hosted us during our last night with a professional band. They were great.

Pic 5: I couldn't let the opportunity pass to show my American friends how they dance back in South Africa - Ahuuuuhaaaa!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Chicago Pics

Below are some pics I took during my trip to Chicago I thought you might enjoy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

First Weekend in Chicago

Last weekend I spend in Chicago's Lake Forest-Grey Lake area with Schalk and Marlene and little Evert Reynolds. It was fantastic spending time with old friends.

Dit gaan heel goed met hulle en ons het die naweek dan ook op die regte manier begin - met 'n stewige braai! Ek het myself gate uit by hulle geniet en het hul eg Suid-Afrikaanse gasvryheid baie waardeer.

I used my last day with them to take the train to Union Station, Downtown Chicago, to visit this beautiful city on the shores of Lake Michigan. I loved every minute of it! It's such a clean, beautiful, historically rich city and I had to carefully choose which sites I'd could divide my little time among. Among other's I went up the Sears Towers to enjoy a splendid view.
It's hard to tell yourself looking at the big Lake that it's actually a freshwater mass. One's eyes tells you that lots of water is ocean.
Here's a link to some pictures:
Tuesday it's off to Champaign-Urbana and the University of Illinois' main campus.
Looking forward to the upcoming conference.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Marlins' Game

Marco arrived home from Illinois this weekend and it was so good to see him! Although we're used to traveling apart, it was nice to have him home again.

We went to a Marlins game with our friend Chay this weekend. Sadly, they stomped Cincinnatti wickedly (10-2) much to Marco and Chay's delight. In a desperate attempt to gain fan support, the Marlins are running a special that if they make 6 runs in a game, then you get 2 free donuts and a cup of ice tea at the local Dunkin' Doughnuts. You can imagine the fans uproar when the 6th run of the game was made... there was a wave in the crowd and by 8th inning the stadium had all but emptied as people were on their way to the local DD with hopes of getting there before all the glazed doughnuts were gone!

Friday, July 13, 2007


My strot sit agter in my keel en die sweet tap my af soos ek my inspan om 'n week se werk in die laaste dag van hierdie week in te prop.
Na my studente middagete more vort moet ek my haas om my vlug te haal vanaf Miami na die O'Hare Internasionale Lughawe in Chicago. Ek's opgewonde - ek kuier die naweek saam met Schalk en Marlene Reynolds - Laaste 2x wat ek hulle gesien het was in Kathu op hul troue en toe in Llandudno op my en Sarah s'n. Gat biki kuier, dalk rugby kyk en miskien effe van die stad sien - als in Afrikaans.
Ek woon deur die week 'n nasionale konferensie by te Illinois Universiteit. Is DV Vrydag terug in die Suide.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Elderly Driving

I realized (frustrated!) this morning that elderly people actually don't drive that badly. They're just the only ones with time to obey the speed limit.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Weekend Sports!

The annual World Wife-Carrying Championship was held in the small village of Sonkajarvi, Finland, this past weekend!

44 couples from 12 countries competed in this international event, the men defying rain and exhaustion, with women clinging to their backs upside down. The competitors race along a 250-meter track, through a swimming pool and various other obstacles. An Estonian, Madis Uustorg, finished first in 61,7 seconds. Aghuuhaaaa!

I wonder how he told (actually "bribe" is the correct term) his wife, he wanted to compete - and thus practice daily - in this dynamic, prestigious event...

Friday, July 06, 2007

The Moore's in Town!

Bruce and Julie Moore were in South-Florida for the Summer holiday and for Morrison Alumni affairs, so we took the trip to go and see them. They are ex-colleagues of Sarah from her years at Morrison Academy and we trekked to the Hong Kong Sevens one year - a glorious experience.
It was fantastic to see them again and to catch up on all the news from Taichung. We realized on the way home how much we really miss Taiwan, the friends we've made there, and the lifestyle.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independance Day

Sarah promised to add a video clip of the "Proud to be an American"-fireworks-clip soon.

We had a grand old time and the fireworks shows were out of this world.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Micossukee Freedom Festival

The Micossukee Tribe of Indians, the original Everglades dwellers of centuries ago, held a festival at their gaming and casino hotel on Tuesday. Their land stretches to within a few miles of where we live.
As with many of the other native tribes, the casino industry has opened opportunities for native Americans to generate ridiculous amounts of revenue. As a result the Micossukee has become a very rich little tribe. Their chief, Billy Cyris, brought two seats at our Gala earlier the year for $5000, and then forgot to attend.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Kayaking in North Miami

This past Sunday we decided to check out a new park that we read about. It supposedly has some wonderful off road bike trails and kayak rentals. Both Marco and I love to kayak so this seemed like the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Oleta State Park is completely hidden by the urban jungle of North Miami. Just a few miles from the beach, it's surrounded by university campuses, shopping malls, and highrises that dominate this area. We were thrilled to find a small piece of the outdoors left for exploration.

After donning our lifevests we began our "adventure". We kayaked through the mangroves and then suddenly it opened up into the waterways connecting the nearby islands to the ocean. This was awesome! Gone was the genteel water and now we had to contend with currents, boats, waverunners, and the ever-so-imposing waves that were constantly coming our way. Woohoo!!

As we battled the constant current that was determined to keep us from our destination, out of the corner of my eye I could see some of the houses that are home to some of the most famous stars. Breathtaking! In the distance we say a small island that looked as if it would provide the opportunity for picnicing. Apparently others thought so too as they b-b-qued with their grills on their starboard. Not to be outdone, Marco and I rowed our small "vessel" in-between these 40 ft yatchs and speedboats, pulled out our little baggies filled with pb &j, and commenced to have our "feast"- living it up like we were high society . In the distance we could hear the rumble of thunder and we watched lightening streak across the sky.

For most, this wouldn't pose a problem, but for us, whose sole motor speed was that of our arm power, provided a small dilemma. Do we wait out the storm or head on? Seeing as they forecasted heavy thunderstorms over the next week, waiting it out didn't seem like the best option... after all we only had a bag of chips, a yogurt, a bottle of water, and a beer bottle we couldn't open (we left the bottle opener behind) left... definately not enough to sustain 2 people... so, off we rowed. Suddenly, a clasp of thunder shook the sky and lightening lit up like it was a red-light special at K-Mart....then it poured, and poured, and poured....

Marco's brilliant idea was to row across the waterway and then hug the shore... not bad if you enjoy the never-ending workout of your arms being pulled from their socket as you struggle against a current that is violently opposed to you achieving your goal. As wave after wave broke over me, I listened to him carry on about being a fearless leader, yelling out commands, and if it wasn't for him, we'd never make it back. After rowing for what seemed like eons, and no closer to our goal, I finally shouted, "Why can't we be like most sane people and row with the current?! It makes way more sense and we'd actually be achieving our goal?!" Suffice it to say, we made it back to the bay in less than 20 minutes after that....

Upon arriving in the bay, Marco proceeded to congratulate himself on the grand arrival he had executed. Unfortunately, the bay wasn't the rental dock and as we rowed around in circles, I seriously began to ponder what was so difficult about reading a map. Those in the nearby boats looked on in amusement as we looked like drowned muskrats. I looked behind me and there was Marco, piecing together the wet, shredded pieces of the map... "Never fear, when the Marco is near!"

Well, the story could go on, but in the end when we finally made it to the dock, the rain had become a light pitter patter. Despite all that had occured, it was quite an enjoyable day. Thanks Marco!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Disruptive Technology

Apple's eagerly-awaited new IPhone arrived on the shelves on Friday and it's initial reviews are very positive. It's mega-functionality includes a full-fledged web browser, e-mail, visual voicemail, and an IPod with widescreen movies - The next beeg thing on the market. It's simple to use, elegant, super-cool to have and fun! (The negatives are also many, including it's superslow internet and weak network coverage. And you have to sign up for a two-year cellphone contract.)
Interestingly enough, we were recently discussing the marketing strategies of the big technology companies such as Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Nikon and others, in class. They all focus on very specific, defined markets. These markets are brittle, and ever-changing. Today the Blackberry is the big thing, but who knows if the IPhone will replace it within weeks as the new market leader. Additionally, technologically innovative products like this are fads, their life cycle very short. Today the IPhone is already a maturing Star, how long (or short) before it's a Dog?!

They have to constantly evolve, constantly focus on redeveloping better, smarter products or they'll lose their market share to the next guy. That's why Microsoft is introducing a new Microsoft Office version every few years. They have to!

So who knows: The IPhone is cool NOW, but why spend $500 on it, when I can wait 6 months and pay half the price for the new improved IPhone 6.2. Or something.
At least the multi-functional IPhone is giving drivers more reason to keep their concentration ON their phones and OFF the road. This will surely increase my roadrage...