Monday, July 30, 2007

CAMMP Conference 2007

I was privileged to be able to attend the annual national CAMMP (Council of Alumni Marketing and Membership Professionals) Conference in Champaign-Urbana, at the University of Illinois.

It was a fantastic experience meeting with nearly 150 other Alumni Development Officers from Universities across the US, networking and being exposed to new trends, helpful technology and different ways to do the same old. It was information overload, since I'm a one-man-show in terms of Alumni-related projects in our office. Some of the big State Universities have an Alumni office of 50 personnel. I came home with many new revenue-generating projects in mind.

We had a blast though, and I experienced hospitality like I'm not used to in Miami. It was grrreat!

I included some pics - unfortunately the only pictures are of the evening events, which makes it look like we partied all the time! There were some long hard hours put into the conference during the day.

Pic 1: UI's Alumni Center - I was so jealous.

Pic 2 : The first night we were taken to watch a showing of the old movie classic - Animal House. It was a costume party - funny to see Directors dressing up!

Pic 3: In this beautiful, historic Theatre House on campus. It was an experience!
Pic 4: If you work hard, you party hard - UI hosted us during our last night with a professional band. They were great.

Pic 5: I couldn't let the opportunity pass to show my American friends how they dance back in South Africa - Ahuuuuhaaaa!

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