Sunday, July 01, 2007

Disruptive Technology

Apple's eagerly-awaited new IPhone arrived on the shelves on Friday and it's initial reviews are very positive. It's mega-functionality includes a full-fledged web browser, e-mail, visual voicemail, and an IPod with widescreen movies - The next beeg thing on the market. It's simple to use, elegant, super-cool to have and fun! (The negatives are also many, including it's superslow internet and weak network coverage. And you have to sign up for a two-year cellphone contract.)
Interestingly enough, we were recently discussing the marketing strategies of the big technology companies such as Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Nikon and others, in class. They all focus on very specific, defined markets. These markets are brittle, and ever-changing. Today the Blackberry is the big thing, but who knows if the IPhone will replace it within weeks as the new market leader. Additionally, technologically innovative products like this are fads, their life cycle very short. Today the IPhone is already a maturing Star, how long (or short) before it's a Dog?!

They have to constantly evolve, constantly focus on redeveloping better, smarter products or they'll lose their market share to the next guy. That's why Microsoft is introducing a new Microsoft Office version every few years. They have to!

So who knows: The IPhone is cool NOW, but why spend $500 on it, when I can wait 6 months and pay half the price for the new improved IPhone 6.2. Or something.
At least the multi-functional IPhone is giving drivers more reason to keep their concentration ON their phones and OFF the road. This will surely increase my roadrage...

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