Thursday, March 08, 2007

Bouwer Update

It's been an incredibly busy couple of weeks. The focus for us has certainly been on prioritizing and time management to fit our studies, marriage, work, more after-hours work, as well as the plethora of other wants and needs into the allocated 24 hour days. (Nothing unique, if I look at many of you.)

Our Sundays together has become a royalty which I value. Soos my goeie ou vriend Helen Punt van Bethlehem dit anderdag stel: "So ons kan nou maar netso wel Carpe Diem, want tyd is min, kyk net hoe het die laaste paar jaar gevlieg?"

This coming Friday Sarah will write the last of her licensure exams - and Math at that. After which, strictly speaking, nothing keeps us in Miami.
I'm going through a busy patch at work and in class. Tomorrow an important presentation for my 2nd MBA-block. And at work we're frantically working towards completing a project successfully by April 21st.

Being a procrastinator by nature I suppose this is a wonderful oportunity for growth. As Aristotle put it: Excellence is not an act, but a habit.

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