Wednesday, May 09, 2007

In the Eye of the Storm

So there we were watching grand finale of The Amazing Race and an announcer suddenly pops up, warning that a tornado is heading straight for our area. He gave 25-minute interval target areas in the estimated path of the storm. It was heading straight over us! Arrival time - within 30 minutes.
Ja, it brings your comfort to an abrupt end. You can't take off by car, because it's already too close. It was absolutely howling outside.

So I braved it outside and tried a few pictures towards the dark, restless night. Most of 'em came out like the posted pic - all lit up because of the lightning. This pic - not a good one - but I posted it to show the electricity in the air. I did not use a flash.

Within 25 minutes of the aired warning, it became dead calm - the eye was passing directly over us. A pretty neat experience and luckily there wasn't much damage in our area.

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