Friday, May 04, 2007

The Queen is Back in Town

Queen Elizabeth II is visiting the States for the first time in 16 years. It's a big deal in the States.
The Queen started her 6-day visit in Virginia, with a parade down Richmond, elegantly waving to the crowds of people eager to see the British monarch. Today she is in historic Jamestown, with her travelling companion, the Duke of Edinburgh. They will take part in the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the founding of the town, the first permanent British settlement in North-America.

Her state visit will include a 2-day visit of Washington D.C., where she will meet with President Bush. The Queen certainly has star power and she's attracting huge adorning crowds. Ironic how history runs in cycles, like fashion - all the former British colonies fought to be rid of her governing power, but we do love her today.
(AP picture from BBC)

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