Thursday, May 10, 2007


A thick blanket of smoke has been covering Miami for the past week as the fog from huge forest fires in Georgia is blowing down to South-Florida (Started by two schoolboys, imagine that.). Hundreds of homes in North-Florida has also been evacuated as a precautionary measure, should authorities not be able to control the fires.

Due to the draught we are experiencing in S-Florida, it has been reported on Tuesday that more than 200 fires were currently burning in the State! Sections of the Turnpike has been closed because thick smoke from brush fires have been blowing accross the roads, decreasing visibility dramatically. Pure fun when you're stuck in evening traffic making your way home.

Lake Okechobee, tha main municipal water source, is at a record low (Less than 20%) and tight water restrictions are in place in S-Florida. Driving on the I-95 it seems unimaginable with all the small lakes around, but water is scare and people are praying for rain... (Miskien nie in Miami nie, maar wel elders.)

(Ek voel oor Miami soos Jonah van ouds oor Ninneve' gevoel het!)

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